A Professional Law Corporation
Recent Triumphs
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A $50,000 Collection Letter to our Client Turns into a $500,000 Victory
Bad Faith Cancellation of Purchase Case - Win at Arbitration
7 Year Foreclosure Challenge Odyssey Ends with Emphatic Appellate Victory
Unanimous Jury Verdict in Federal Loan Servicing Trial!
Ryan Firm Reverses Appellate Court Decision and Saves Summary Nature of Post-Foreclosure Evictions
Protecting the Enforceability of Secured Loans from a Wide Range of Attacks
We voided a subordination agreement to save GSE lien priority!
We win when we represent loan servicers!
The Ryan Firm got a client out of a contract, and the other side paid our client's legal fees!
Two high dollar evictions transfer to The Ryan Firm - the clients see immediate results!
The Ryan Firm Wins The Unwinnable Case, Again!
When Your Lawyer’s Reputation Precedes It, Sometimes Litigation Isn’t Even Necessary!
Fraudulent Tenants Post-Foreclosure? Let The Ryan Firm get you possession ASAP!
Will the Health & Safety Receivership Impact Your Lien? Not if The Ryan Firm is on Your Team!
Sued as a Private Mortgage Investor – Let The Ryan Firm Protect You!
Forged Reconveyance? Not a Problem.
Unprecedented, 2022 Appellate Results!