The client purchased a high profile property at a foreclosure auction – but their eviction attorney could not get possession. Faced with the usual post-foreclosure games of new occupants popping up constantly, and unfamiliarity with obtaining possession after foreclosure of a reverse mortgage, this case languished with former counsel for over a year. The matter was transferred to The Ryan Firm – and thirteen days later, The Ryan Firm filed a motion for summary judgment, then convinced the court to advance the motion, obtained a judgment for possession, fought numerous post- judgment motions, and obtained possession for the client. Complete, clear, and clean possession within months, not years.
Do you have assets sitting idle with other firms, wondering why they don’t seem to be moving forward towards resolution? Call us to help!
The song remains the same… another eviction – sitting forever at another’s firm – gets moved to The Ryan Firm and the client gets possession and a million dollars in damages! The investors purchased a hilltop property in Malibu at a foreclosure sale in 2020. The occupant was using the property as a party and event venue, significantly monetizing the property – and continued to do so after the foreclosure sale. Our client initially came to The Ryan Firm to discuss our firm handling the eviction in 2020. We were honest with the client – telling them the different ways that the occupant can make their eviction length and costly. That honest advice to the potential client caused the client to retain a different firm, until two years later after getting nowhere with the other lawyers. The client called again, stating that their current lawyer was not tough enough and was being out litigated and outsmarted. We took over the case, blasted through the former borrower’s many delay tactics (wrongful removal to Federal Court on day one of trial, bankruptcy filed on day two of trial), and ultimately conducted a jury trial wherein Rosty “The Bulldog” Gore obtained a judgment for possession and $1,012,000.00 in damages. Had the client hired The Ryan Firm on day one, it would have had possession two years ago! Did you hire a law firm that has made promises, but not progress – and now just gives excuses? How about hiring The Ryan Firm to get results?